Thursday, 10 December 2009

Remember Programming

Sometimes it is AWESOME!

So things with UDK have been going really good. It started off very slowly but I'm learning it the best I can. I currently have a guy that walks around in a 3rd person view. Right now it's close up to him but we can make it as far away as we like.

To build on Joe's 3rd person puzzle, 1st person shooting idea. I started to make a development that would tell if the player had his gun out. Right now I have the ability to not make him shoot if he's not allowed to. I was thinking of switching the camera when the player pulls out there weapon. In other words there will be a "combat mode" and a "roaming mode". This will switch on and off with the press of a button. If we don't want 1st person I was also thinking we could just zoom in to a closer 3rd person when in "combat mode".

Anyway I'm just rambling. So now is the time to really start thinking about what we want from this game. We should have a list of "abilities" that we need the player to have. Things like climbing, pushing objects, collecting items, flying, doing some crazy dance. We need a list of mechanics. That way I can program them.

I hope all of that made's late.


  1. Perfect sense. Tom, when are you returning to MI.? I want to see your beautiful face again! :D Don't take that the wrong's early. I'm still gathering cool pictures of historic & ancient goodies, (and some bad ass monster/demon concepts). I'll try and throw together a list of possible mechs for the priest. As far as the two modes go...f!ckin' awesome! F!cking awesome.

  2. Oh yeah...if you're looking for a programming job...the industry is loaded and waiting. I've been sending resumes and looking everywhere aroung the globe...they all want programmers. I guess you and Justin grabbed the better end of the stick.

  3. I know you're talking nonsense when you think programming is the better end.

    I believe Melissa and I will be coming back to Michigan around the 19th. We'll head back to Illinois around January 2nd.
